Six honest

The missing link

Academic research and experience tell me that there is such a thing as the “knowing – doing” gap.
A well executed bad idea. What a waste of resource!
A poorly executed good idea. What a waste of opportunity!
There are lots of great examples all around, if it’s of interest you don’t have to look too far to find them.
It’s something that I’ve been mindful of and always tried to avoid. When I see waste and lost opportunity, I wonder “how did it come to this?” why didn’t they think a bit harder or longer up front, or why didn’t they just do a better job in making it happen?

A while ago I began to devote some serious time to the problem and came up with a solution. It’s a bridging process that sits between the thinking stage that prompts actions and doing stages that ultimately deliver outputs and outcomes.
Active, demonstrable, considered reflection, with an output that final actions will build from.
I’ve called the process Real Treasure Maps®